„Every single project has its special individual needs.
Being an architect and designer for me means, I have to step back, study and listen,
gather the best team an create an unparalleled optimal solution for our client´s succes.“
Hagemeyer Architects is an award-winning, cross disciplinary architecture and design practice. Based in Germany, this innovative and international acclaimed firm specializes in creating „spartial settings“ for a highly demanding clientele all over the world.
Dreaming is one of the most important missions of Hagemeyer-Architects. With enormous pleasure everday, Georg-Maria Hagemeyer and his team gets to explore new territories and blur the boundaries between disciplines and ideas.
Gerog-Maria Hagemeyer is dedicated to provide the highest possible client-value. Emphasis is on superior professional service and quality in every detail, from an ability to respond to the ideas and desires of the client to make suprising wishful dreams come true.
In contrast to design that subscribes to a signature Style,
Hagemeyers work reflects a multi-faceted pluralism.
Unique design narratives the appearance and energy of the projects.
Rather than refining identifiable architectural langauge from building to buidling (in the manner of the big names in architecture), Hagemeyer´s various styles are driven by a belief that the unique qualities of each project demand a unique response. Consequently, the firm invents a new individual vocabulary for every project.
Georg-Maria Hagemeyer is especially renowned for his skill in creating „spatial settings“ – scenic buildings and magical interiors which appeal to the heart as well as the eye; dramatic architecture combined with practical utility and stae-of-the-art technology. This incomparable style provokes admirations and gives his clients an inestimable added-value.
Since etsablishing his office in 1988, Georg-Maria Hagemeyer has been internationally successful in projects worth many millions, reflecting the seamless synergy of technology, craftsmanship and design. As varied as the projects are on style, scope and scale, they always have a common goal: Creating the possibility for pleasure.

Great work does not simply „happen“.
We are renown for our readiness to explore; to break; to experiment and then put it all back together.
Doing this sets the bar for a direction that is blindingly crystal clear and most importantly, applicable.
I make sure to go the extra mile with a process that is specially tailored to you.
Georg-Maria Hagemeyer is deticated to providing the highest possible client value. Emphasis is on superior professional service and quality in every detail, from an ability to respond to the ideas and desires of the client to make surprising wishful dreams come true.
Hagemeyer Architects is an award-winning, cross disciplinary architecture and design practice. Based in Germany, this innovative and international acclaimed firm specializes in creating „spartial settings“ for a highly demanding clientele all over the world.
Dreaming is one of the most important missions of Hagemeyer-Architects. With enormous pleasure everday, Georg-Maria Hagemeyer and his team gets to explore new territories and blur the boundaries between disciplines and ideas.
Architects – Interior Designers – Civil Engineers
Georg-Maria Hagemeyer
Josef-Schwarz-Weg 11, D-81479 Munich
„Bauturm-Muenchen“ Building, Solln-Großhesselohe
Phone: ++49.(0) 89.999.79.131
Fax: ++49.(0)
Email: info@h-plan.com